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Harry Smith aborrecido com a WWE

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Harry Smith aborrecido com a WWE Empty Harry Smith aborrecido com a WWE

Mensagem por Convidad Seg Ago 22, 2011 5:10 pm

Recentemente despedido da WWE, Harry Smith, nas raras vezes que falou em publico, criticou a WWE no seu facebook não pela sua saída mas pelo facto de a WWE não ter devolvido todos itens que a família Hart disponibilizou à companhia para o Wrestlemania Axxess, que incluía roupas de Davey Boy Smith e Owen Hart. Quando a família pediu os itens de volta, a WWE enviou itens de Mae Young e depois de muita insistência lá enviou alguns itens, sendo que um quadro de Davey Boy Smith vinha partido. Eis o que disse David:

"Well I'm not one to bury any companies or people but I'm afraid I have no choice here. The WWE after great difficulty of my begging, finally sent me back "some" but not all of my familie's possessions from the Hall of Fame/Fan axxess. This includes, my dad's ring gear, my ring gear, owen hart's blue blazer masks, and singlet and lots of priceless family possessions. They sent a framed picture of my dad smashed, half the other stuff missing but they threw in a Mae Young framed picture," Smith wrote. "Then they have the nerve to call me, two weeks after firing me, sniffing around asking if they can have it back for their precious Hall of Fame/fan axxess. Even though I am expendable talent, they wouldn't mind just keeping my family's last remaining wrestling stuff. "Anyone can feel free to post this on dirt sites as I feel the world should know about how selfish and inconsiderate the WWE truly is."

A mãe de Harry, Diana Hart Smith também não deixou palavras elogiosas à companhia ao dizer:

"This is my drawing of Davey's, and the more info I am sent about this disrespectful injustice, the more shocked I am--this is the second time this has happened with this drawing, and they never took care of it the first time. And then to ask two weeks after Harry's release if we can lend more items to Hall of Fame Fan axxess. These things are from Davey and Owen, my father, all legendary people who are no longer alive and it is difficult to fathom giving up these things which we would never be able to see, since it would go to the WWE HOF Fan Access. These are family possessions and unless Georgia, Harry or I, in the Smith household specifically, are at WWE Fan Access, we cannot see for ourselves.

"These aren't belongings of just some random old friends--they are lost family members. With Harry's release, I really doubt I would be flying to Connecticut to see my Hall of Fame memorabilia, and I would probably end up paying admission too. The smashed picture of Davey, which I drew of him, was the last straw, and this is the second time it has happened.

"I wonder what the significance of sending an 8 x 10 pic of Mae Young to Harry, Georgia and me was?"

Harry Smith aborrecido com a WWE Davey-Boy-broken



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Harry Smith aborrecido com a WWE Empty Re: Harry Smith aborrecido com a WWE

Mensagem por Morishima Seg Ago 22, 2011 6:05 pm

Que falta de respeito, sinceramente.
Nº1 Contender

Mensagens : 1143
Reputação : 3
Data de inscrição : 08/08/2011
Idade : 28
Localização : Porto

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